Introducing EARLY BIRD

The path to feminine magic..

Let's Break it Down: Here's What You Get If You Purchase Today...
  • 2 online ritual calls over Zoom
  • 10 sex magic practice calls over Zoom
  • 8 live module transmissions and coaching spotlight calls with Julia
  • A super private FB group for Initiate participants
  • Lifetime access to 5 module experiential online course The Orgasm Method
  • Lifetime access to 6 module experiential online course Jade Power
  • Video, PDF and audio bonuses and masterclasses
Katie Denise
North London

I was able to let go into the deeper things

Chas Hines

Thanks to Julia, I'm serene.

Melinda Reaves

Orgasm is a gentle but incredibly powerful method

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xInitiate: Super Early Bird$997

All prices in USD